Tuesday, May 02, 2006

In the beginning

Here I am. Now what?


Rajeev Ramachandran said...

Oh! The pressure to perform, the expectations that are placed on this humble "wessel". :-)
Was planning to try and blog one post a day, kids.

Rajeev Ramachandran said...

Man, thought I could manage 1 post a day. 2 hours in a stifling cyber-cafe, filled with sweaty, glazed-eyed men, leering lasciviously at their computer screens (no Finance papers on THESE screens, people!), and I have changed my mind. No more than 2 posts a week. I know that there is a risk that millions of people will die from holding their breaths for that long, but that is a risk we have to take. :(

Anonymous said...

Okie, does this mean that I don't have to 'listen' to your lectures now. Yipee ;).

Anonymous said...

get yourself a laptop and an internet connection .. no? where u hoarding all that cash ?

Anonymous said...

Not bad .
tell me of a society which practiced no discrimination. part of animal(humans included ) existence ! the winners fight it out.

Anonymous said...

Long time coming Rajeev , good.But arnt you looking at the problem from one perspective only?